Community Members Served in 2023 Included:
55, 835 via Food Pantries = 1,954,225 pounds of food = $3,752,112.00 in Community Value
2,781 in Social Services – Ex: Rents, Utilities, Financial & Health Education, Prescriptions
9,250 meals - Our 34th Thanksgiving Community Feast = $18,870 in Community Value
700 kids in our Summer Food Program 618 babies through our Diaper Program
121, 313 meals via Sarah’s Kitchen = $247, 476.00 in Community Value
41,133 Families could not be assisted due to lack of funds to serve their needs
Board of Directors
Jessica Parrish, President
Bea Prokop , Vice President
David Willbur, Treasurer
Steven Way, Secretary
Steve Cassens
David Dangerfield
Nancy Landry
Rusty Hines
Bobbie Williams Sr.